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fen (haxe-fen) is a library to work with the Forsyth-Edwards Notation (FEN) for chess position records in Haxe.

fen (haxe-fen)

A library to work with the Forsyth-Edwards Notation (FEN) for chess position records in Haxe.

It grants easy access to the six fields of a FEN record without the need to write a parser.

Also supplies a lot of other functions.

Currently only standard FEN is implemented. Shredder-FEN and X-FEN may be added in future versions.


Install this library with haxelib by executing haxelib install fen.


Add --library fen or --L fen as compiler arguments or add the line to a .hxml file that is used for building.

Import classes and functions with import chess.fen.*;


The full documentation can be found here

About forks

It is highly endorsed to merge additions made in forks back into this repository via a pull requests and remove the fork once the pull request is approved. This way people don’t stumble upon outdated forks and find all functionality in one place.