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nwju (nwawsoft-java-util) is a library with frequently used, yet not JDK-contained Java functions and data structures.

nwju (nwawsoft-java-util)

A package with functions and data structures that extend the Java programming language.

Data structures include List, Stack, Queue, Tree, Graph and more.

Provides a lot of additional functions for native data types (mainly char and String).


You can find the full JavaDoc on this site.

Adding this library to your project

There are multiple ways to include this library in your project.

Method 1) Using Maven:

Add the following two snippets somewhere between the <project> and </project> tag of your pom.xml:


Method 2) Download the .jar (no automatic updates)

The newest version can always be found on the GitHub Releases page or here, as a direct download.

Method 3) Build from source

This can be done via git clone or by downloading the source files

Improving this library

Requests for functions that are general enough to be included in a standard library are welcome and should be reported as an Issue.


I do not take any warranty for the usage of this library, though I intend to maintain this library as well as possible and respond to feedback.