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qc (quick-clipboard) is a lightweight CLI tool to copy the content of any text file to the clipboard.

qc (quick-clipboard)

A lightweight CLI tool written in Java which lets the user load any predefined content into the clipboard.


You can always find the latest stable version of qc here or all versions, including pre-releases, here.

For Windows

  1. Download and install the latest Java Runtime Environment from the Java website or the Oracle website.
  2. Extract into any directory (e.g. C:/Users/yourname/UserSoftware/qc).
  3. Add the directory to your PATH.

    For Linux and macOS

  4. Download and install the latest Java Runtime Environment from the Java website or the Oracle website or install openjdk-8-jre with your package manager.
  5. Extract into any directory (e.g. ~/UserSoftware/qc).
  6. Add the directory to your PATH.
  7. If your OS does not automatically call when typing qc, you may want to rename to qc.


  1. Place a text file containing a string to load (a “secret”) inside ~/.qc/secrets (you can open this directory with qc browse).
  2. Use qc [fileName] to load it.
  3. Use qc help for a list of all commands.